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Category: Henna for Hair

Henna hair dye

Henna hair dye

Henna can be used as a permanent hair dye, it does not wash out although it will gradually fade over time. Because of this, and because the dye works like a varnish over your natural hair colour rather than chemically changing it, emerging roots are far more subtle than after using alternative synthetic dyes. Henna covers the cuticle of the hair, varnishing it with rich colour, all while maintaining the natural structure of the hair shaft. Unlike chemical hair dye,…

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How to cover grey hair using Indigo and Henna

How to cover grey hair using Indigo and Henna

Whilst some people are happy to keep their grey, for some it’s a definite no-no. A combination of Henna and Indigo is a great way to cover that grey completely naturally, without using harsh chemicals. The indigo molecule needs the henna to hold onto the hair shaft which is why are used together. Here is a step-by-step guide which will achieve amazing results.   This is how to make a hair mask of henna and indigo. Ingredients: Henna powder Indigo…

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Dye your hair chemical free

Dye your hair chemical free

Have you ever read the long list of chemical ingredients on a boxed hair dye? Synthetic hair dyes are full of potentially harmful chemicals that at high exposures, have been linked with skin and respiratory irritation, a suppressed immune system, and even cancer.  They can also in some cases cause severe allergic reactions. If you want a completely natural and chemical free hair dye – then use henna. Henna is a powdered form of the leaves that come from the…

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How to choose the right henna powder

How to choose the right henna powder

There are a few things that are a must when choosing any henna powder: Fresh. You must always buy fresh henna powder. If you want a great stain, don’t just grab henna off the shelf (as you don’t know how long it may have been sitting there) Even from crop to crop you will notice that the freshest henna powder gives the best stain results. Body Art Quality. This means that the henna powder is the best quality since they…

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How to choose the right henna shade

How to choose the right henna shade

Want to use henna but aren’t sure where to start? Here is a simple guide on which henna to choose depending on what colour you wish to achieve.  What colour do you want to dye your hair? (and the kit you need from Hennacats shop) Henna red – Henna for hair kit Natural red brown  – Henna and indigo kit Natural dark brown – Henna and cassia kit Black – Henna and indigo kit Strawberry blonde – Henna and amla kit Brighten blonde hair – Amla for hair…

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Why use Cassia powder?

Why use Cassia powder?

          Cassia obovata is just like henna but has a different light golden dye molecule which gives a lovely lustre to pale coloured hair. When you mix this green leaf powder with warm liquid it has a strong smell similar to that of mowed grass, and can give you all the benefits of henna without the colour results on darker hair tones (and it won’t stain your hands!) Hennacat’s certified organic fine cassia powder from Rajasthan:…

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Things to know before you use henna

Things to know before you use henna

Henna is not temporary Henna is a permanent hair dye, the only way to remove it is to grow it out, therefore its always recommended to do a strand test first.   Messy/stains It will be messy and it does stain, but as they say you can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs! Just make sure you wear gloves and cover surfaces, and all will be fine.  Its also wise to use a balm or Vaseline around your hairline…

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5 Things to remember when mixing henna for hair

5 Things to remember when mixing henna for hair

1. Prepare 48 hours in advance Very important to remember: For optimum results you need to begin preparing your henna approximately 48 hours before you intend to use it. If you don’t give henna time to release its dye, or if you leave it languishing for too long, you will not get vibrant long-lasting stains. If the ambient temperature is warm (i.e. middle of summer in the UK), you will need around 24 hours, if it is cool you will…

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Henna for hair: Is henna bad for hair?

Henna for hair: Is henna bad for hair?

No, henna isn’t bad for your hair, and for many people provides strengthening and conditioning properties. Many cosmetologists think it’s bad because they don’t know much about it and don’t know that there’s a difference between pure henna (BAQ=Body Art Quality) and henna that’s been mixed with other things that may be bad for hair. The henna itself isn’t the problem in that case, but rather the other chemicals that have been added. Some people will experience some dryness after…

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Henna for hair: Is henna good for hair?

Henna for hair: Is henna good for hair?

In a word….YES! Henna makes your hair healthy, glossy and voluminous. Conditions hair Henna is a very good conditioner for your hair. It covers each hair shaft and builds a protective layer that safeguards the strands from damage. Regular use of henna makes your hair thick and strong by locking the essential moisture in the hair. It adds a natural shine and gloss to your mane and makes them two times stronger. Treats dandruff Henna is known to cure dandruff…

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