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Category: Pregnancy Henna

Henna for hair: Dying your hair with henna whilst pregnant

Henna for hair: Dying your hair with henna whilst pregnant

Using commercial chemical hair dye means your body may absorb some of the chemicals, and therefore may not be completely safe to use when pregnant. Unfortunately research on using chemical hair dyes when pregnant is limited so why take the risk when there is a completely safe alternative…. Henna hair dye! Natural henna, derived solely from the plant, and with no added chemicals, is completely safe to use on your hair or on your skin whilst you’re pregnant. It gives…

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These women are making their pregnany bellies even more beautiful!

These women are making their pregnany bellies even more beautiful!

  Henna / Mehndi relates to the name of the plant (Lawsonia Inermis), the application of the paste and the patterns. The leaves of the Lawsonia Inermis plant are finely ground, and mixed with lemon juice and essential oils (usually Lavender for pregnant women). Other ingredients may be added such as sugar or molasses. The paste is applied with a cone, small bottle or a syringe with a bunt end, and left on the skin for several hours. The stain…

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